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Prof. Brian Lobel is a performer, educator and curator who is interested in creating work about bodies and how they are watched, policed, poked, prodded and loved by others. His work has shown work internationally in a range of contexts from Harvard Medical School, to Sydney Opera House, to the National Theatre (London) and Lagos Theatre Festival, blending provocative humour with insightful reflection. He regularly works with people living with and beyond cancer, projects of which include Fun with Cancer Patients (Kanazawa, Birmingham, Ghent), BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer (75+ cities internationally), A Pacifist's Guide to the War on Cancer (with Bryony Kimmings), There is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT (Project Director), Kicking Up Our Heels (with Emily Underwood-Lee) at GOSHArts, and Sex with Cancer (with Joon Lynn Goh). His book Theatre & Cancer was published in 2019. Brian has received commissions and grants from the Wellcome Trust, Complicite, Jerwood, British Council, Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, and Arts Council England, among others.
Brian a Professor of Theatre & Performance and Programme Director for BA Theatre & Social Change at Rose Brufords College.
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